It’s Leap Year! How Will You Spend Your Bonus Day?

Leap Year always affords us an additional 24 hours. We should not take that for granted. Let’s face it, we won’t see this again until another four years. So here are some tips about how we can spend this time wisely. Let me know what you choose!


It’s easy to avoid a difficult situation or a misunderstanding. The short lived comfort is that walking away prevents the immediate stress. The long term problem is that avoidance only makes matters worse. Decide to confront the hard things that may feel uncomfortable but very necessary for growth.


Walking is a great form of exercise. It’s known to be heart healthy, reduces blood glucose levels and eases joint pain. Walking also reduces stress, increases creativity and improves your mood. Whether it’s in the gym or a fast pace on the streets in your neighborhood, the time taken is beneficial to your wellbeing.


Vision boards are more useful after the vision board party. Sure it’s wonderful to be inspired that day, but think about ways to maintain motivation throughout the year. Pasting words and pictures of your desired future is merely the beginning glimpse of a dream. Mapping steps for your growth and putting yourself on a realistic time plan makes you accountable. Let’s get to work!


Devices and social media are created to entertain. The etymology of entertainment is a thing that enters to detain you. Don’t get me wrong, technology makes things easier but if you’re not careful you will be consumed for hours having nothing to show for time wasted. Be intentional. Plan your time to be appropriated in proportion to your priorities, goals and growth.


While you’re unplugging, you might as well communicate the old fashion way: connect with people in person. There’s something to be said about seeing the facial expression and voice inflection in a person’s presence. Get out and spend time with those of shared interests. Some of them may not look like you or have the same background as you (and some may.) My point is, there’s a sodality awaiting you. Discover and connect.


Volunteer in your community. Decide to give away something that’s meaningful to others in need. Support a worthy cause. Our life’s purpose is not for us alone, but a work fulfilled to make us all one. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. This world, our world, your world should be a better place because you exist.


Be proof that there is still kindness in this world without ulterior motives attached. Someone is in dire need of the light you are and the joy you can bring. The cost of nothing but a smile ranging to a few quarters donated in someone else’s parking meter can go further than you think.

Sheilah Vickers is a Leadership Architect and uses Education, Leadership and Ministry experiences to mentor leaders and those relaunching their lives. She is the author of Pray It Forward and A Wright Choice. Look for her new book, Think It Forward: Manage Your Thoughts coming soon.

Visit her website, She can be reached at or 718-670-3241

©2020 Sheilah Vickers