Tag Archive | workinprogress

I’m ALL Churched Out! 

Good Afternoon,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank each one of you for participating in the online “I’m All Churched out!” workshop on Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 6 PM EST.  
Please accept my sincere apologies for the few technical difficulties that occurred during the session. For your convenience, I have created a YouTube version of the workshop so that you can see it without any technical issues. Feel free to click on the provided link and enjoy the original session along with some bonus information. 

I’m ALL Churched Out Workshop
Although we did not charge for this workshop, I would ask you to consider making a donation to Evangelist Sheilah Vickers Ministries. All funds received will go toward building the kingdom of God.
Please make all donations to:

CASH APP: $SheVickers

PayPal: MsVicRm19@aol.com

Please note, that I am available for workshops, seminars, consultations or worship services. For future bookings, feel free to contact Sheilah Vickers Ministries at: bookings@sheilahvickers.com.
Again, I would like to personally thank you for registering and being apart of the “I’m All Church Out” online workshop.  

Evangelist Sheilah Vickers

Sheilah Vickers Ministries

Four Ways to Balance Work, Life and Love 

Does your balancing act at life seem to look more like a juggling act? Getting caught up in achieving goals in a career and burning out quickly in life happens more often than not. Include the right proportion of each of these each day. 

1.  Prioritize

Know and act on what’s important. More times than not, we can consider this list as basic. Things that ensure your bills are consistently paid on time should be listed as priority. Even if you don’t work every day, what pays your bills should be listed here. For example, I don’t speak publicly on a daily basis but I make time to work on my speaking engagements daily. Also, making sure your marriage remains in tact and your children are cared for should be included here also. 
I know, I know! Those things alone is a fully packed week! Stay with me; it gets easier from here.

2. Exercise 

This activity works out best in the morning and I’ll tell you why. I will be the first to admit that exercise is not my favorite thing at all, but I have learned a truth from those who do exercise often: exercise gives you energy. It releases endorphins that betters your mood and leads to overall good health. Even if just 30 minutes per day, commit your day to get moving. If you do, you will find that your energy level will increase and your stress level decreased.

3. Socialize

Everyone needs an outlet. Your friends are your friends because you have at least one thing in common, so go out and have fun do my that thing with them. Everyday? Well, you don’t have to break out the book club daily, but think of things in terms of a schedule: book club, choir rehearsal, spinning class, etc. Have a short text chat with friends. Post on social media. Find subtle ways to take a two minute mental break and just have fun!

Here is also where your love life comes in. No matter how long you are in a relationship, continue to DATE. People change, evolve, and grow. The recognition of change should not happen five or ten years later because you haven’t paid attention. It’s unlikely that you will literally “go out” everyday, but a text, a handwritten note, a short call, or a ten minute sit down all alone will help to strengthen the bond.

4. Personalize

One of the most dangerous things is taking care of everyone else except yourself. I cannot tell you how many women are guilty of this. It is a major disservice to yourself. You are no good to anyone if you are not whole. 

Write yourself in on your calendar! Do something that YOU enjoy and learn to enjoy your company. If you’re the type of person who says, “I’ll use this time to work because I just LOVE my job and what I do,” CHOOSE SOMETHING DIFFERENT. You must learn to separate them. Schedule time at the spa or if funds are low, find time to soak in a bubble bath and throw in a self pedicure. 

Getting proper rest is also integral. Some people feel guilty when they get in a full night’s sleep. Others see those eight hours as the gift they’ll see only after retirement. Sleep and rest are two of the most critical components to successful living. Your body recovers and repairs your immune system during rest. It is important to note that sleep and rest are different. Before retiring for the night, clear your head. Do not engage in stressful activity before going to sleep. Give yourself time to unwind. Many people sleep eight hours and awake tired because they didn’t get rest.

So, there it is! Prioritize, Exercise, Socialize, and Personalize. Include the right proportion of these four and you’re off to the great balancing act of work, life and love! 

©Photo credit to respective owner